Bill Pay FAQ
Q: How do I access Online Banking?
A: Once you have signed up you will be given a user id and a password. You will need to go to our home page and select the Online Banking button. This will take you directly to the sign on for Online Banking. You will then be prompted for your user id and password. From there, follow the on screen instructions and prompts. You may want to try out the Online Banking Demo first before going into the Online Banking sign on.
Q: Will my Savings accounts come over?
A: Users with Savings Accounts will not be able to make Bill Payments from those accounts within Bill Payment Manager. Only accepts DDA/Checking accounts.
Q: When is the cut off time for making payments?
A: All payments made after 3:00p.m. CST will process the following day.
Q: Will I be able to see my bill payment history?
A: Although you will not have access to the BillPay history once the upgrade completes, within 3-4 days following the upgrade you will be able to access 12 months of your payment history. For security, eBills will not convert and will need to be set up again in the upgraded system.
Q: How do I verify payee information in the upgraded system?
A: We ask that you print a list of your current payees, including amounts and dates due, so you can double check them in the upgraded system. Once the upgraded system is live, simply review the list of payees on the “Make Payments” page. To view additional information for each payee, click on the arrow next to the payee name to display the Payee Information menu, and select the “View/Change payee details” link. Please note some addresses may appear as “on file”, which means that the address is automatically maintained and updated for you by the BillPay system.
Q: How do I make a payment in the upgraded Chino Commercial Online BillPay Manager?
A: To make a payment in the upgraded system:
Locate the payee you wish to pay
Enter the dollar amount you would like to pay
Indicate the payment due date
Click on the “Pay” button to make the payment. A confirmation message will appear for your reference
The payment will then be viewable in the “pending payments” column on the right hand side of the screen
Q: Will my login be different?
A: No. You will access the upgraded Chino Commercial Online BillPay Manager in the same manner as before, by logging into your Internet Banking profile using your secure user name and password, and then choosing the “Bill Payment” tab on the toolbar.
Q: What is an eBill?
A: An eBill is an electronic version of your paper bill that you receive directly within BillPay. An eBill allows you to conveniently view and pay a bill in one place, Chino Commercial Online BillPay Manager.
Q: How do I know when my Ebills are delivered?
A: Once you set up an eBill, you automatically will receive an email notification when your eBill arrives. There are also notifications on the “Make Payments” page within the upgraded Chino Commercial Online BillPay Manger to alert you of any eBills that need your attention.
Q: How do I make sure a payment has been made?
A: To view payments that have been made in the upgraded system, simply review the list of “Pending Payments” and “Last 5 Processed Payments” on the “Make Payments” page. You can click on the “View history/reports” link to view more payment history.
Q: Is there a transaction limit in BillPay Manager?
A: Yes, there is a transaction limit of $9,999.99 and a daily limit of $20,000.00